
Indian robin : The bird next door

With its tail cocked up, the Indian robin is often seen whipping from pillar to post. It is one of the most common garden birds which prefer being close to humans. Like other robins, they also sing and produce varied calls.
This bird is generally seen alone and only pairs up in breeding season.

Here are some details about this solitary forager:

Common name: Indian robin, kalchuri.

Scientific name: Copsychus fulicatus.


Indian Robin (male)

  • The males have dark brown back while the front plumage is black in colour. (The upper plumage in northern population is brownish while that in southern population is black.) They have a white shoulder patch.

Indian robin (female)
  • The females are light brown in colour. They do not have the white shoulder patch.
  • Both males and females have chestnut coloured vent.
  • The eyes and bill are black in colour.
  • Juvenile looks similar as female.
  • The indian robin is mostly found in open stony and grassy forest habitats.
  • They are found in dry habitats and are mostly absent from thicker forest areas. 
  • They are found close to human habitation an are often seen perched upon the rooftops.
Food: They mostly feed upon insects, worms, etc.

  • It is a human loving bird and is often found close to human habitation.
  • Males are aggressive during breeding season.
  • They attack their own reflection.
  • Sometimes individuals forage late in the evenings, to catch insects attracted to lights.
  • During breeding season , the males sing and display their tail feathers. 
  • They produce different songs for inviting a mate and for keeping away other males.
  • Both male and female feed the young ones. 
Nest:  Nests are built between rocks, in tree hollows or in holes in walls and are lined with animal hair.

Threats: Since indian robin mainly feeds upon insects and can make its nest at any possible site, so there is no major threat to them.

IUCN Status: Least concern. 

Photographs by: Yamini Dashora. 


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