
Baya Weaver: Beauty with brains

Along with a beautiful set of colours , this bird is extremely talented too. It has a magical ability to convert any trash into a charming , flawless nest.

Baya weaver's nest

Here are some details about this exceptionally intelligent bird....

Male baya weaver 

Common name : baya chiriya , son chiri

Scientific name: Ploceus philippinus

  • Non breeding males and females look similar.They have a pale , yellowish-brown colour.
  • They have stout conical bill.
  • Breeding male has bright yellow forehead and crown , a dark throat with dark streaks on the back.
Habitat:  Grasslands , scrub with scattered trees, cultivated areas.

Food: They feed upon seeds and insects.

IUCN Status: Least concern

Photographs by : Yamini Dashora.


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