
House crow : The jack of all trades

House crow is a master of many skills. From being a sincere spectator to a mischievous thief to a social being , it plays every role with utter perfection. 
                    The crows have always suffered the disgrace of stealing food from other small birds and robbing shiny pieces (like jewellery) from humans. Yet,  they are among the very intelligent creatures. They display an impressive capacity of imitating several sounds like that of car horn , barking dogs and human speech. They even mourn the death of loved ones in social gatherings.
                                                                          The crow always stands out for its intelligence , memory and socializing skills.
House crow in flight

Here are some details about God's own surveillance camera:


Common name: kaaga ,kaak ,greynecked crow, house crow.

Scientific name: Corvus splendens

  • Both male and female look similar. 
  • The forehead, crown, throat, back wings and tail are glossy black in colour.
  • The collar , neck and lower beast are grey coloured.
  • It makes a loud and sharp kaa-kaa sound.
Habitat: It lives close to human habitat.

  • They are omnivorous in nature.  They feed upon seeds , fruit , berries , grains, birds' eggs, nestlings,  insects, dead animals, fish and other food scraps.

House Crow collecting food

  • They establish their nests in local environment on trees like neem , Ashoka , jamun, etc. 
  • In areas with non-availability of natural nesting sites , they use artificial nesting sites like power transmission line towers and mobile towers.
Social behaviour: 
  • They are highly gregarious and prefer to live around humans.
  • They are exceptionally intelligent and use wide variety of foraging techniques.
  • They are mostly found foraging around houses , parks , markets , dumpyard, etc.
  • They become very aggressive while defending their territory or young ones. They make a call to gather nearby crows in case of any threat
  • They are admiringly adaptive. They can live upon anything that is edible.
  • They are brood parasitized by asian koel
IUCN Status: Least concern. 

Photographs by: Yamini Dashora. 


  1. God's own surveillance! Great choice of words.

  2. Good Narration .
    What are the threats to them and how can we play our role to reduce the threats and help them survive?

    1. 1) The consumption of rats and cockroaches that are killed using poison is a threat to them.
      2) Another threat is increase in number of buildings and hence decreasing number of nesting trees.
      3) Lack of food may also be one of the reasons.


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