
Oriental magpie robin : The songster

The oriental magpie robin is known to have a varied and wonderful collection of songs. These birds are so vocal that they have a variety of calls for almost every state of affairs, viz. territorial calls, roosting calls,  threat calls, submissive calls, begging calls, mobbing calls and distress calls.
                                 But sometimes this boon turns out to be a bane, because these birds are often caged for their brilliant singing skills.
                                                                    Here are some details about the singing sensation:

Oriental magpie robin (male)

Common names: oriental magpie robin , doyel , doel , dayal.

Scientific name: Copsychus saularis 

  • The male has black upperparts, head and throat. The underparts and shoulder patch are white in colour.
  • The female has grayish upperparts, head and throat. The underparts and shoulder patch are pale white in colour.
Habitat: It often inhabits open woodland and cultivation areas close to human habitation.

Food: Insects, invertebrates, flower nectar.

  • During courtship, the male sings from a high perch. The display includes puffing up of feathers, raising the bill, fanning the tail.
  • Males are quite aggressive in breeding season and are mostly involved in defending the territory. 
  • Most of the nest is built by female. 
  • They use a wide range of calls.
  • They can even imitate the calls of other birds.
  • Poaching for bird trade.
  • They are often caged for their singing skills. 
Our role in conservation:
  • The bird is now protected by law in some parts of the world. 
IUCN Status: Least concern. 

Photograph by: Yamini Dashora. 
