
Rock pigeon: The commoner

From an epitome of a naive creature in nursery rhymes to a messenger of love and peace in bollywood songs , pigeons have been a part of our lives, since ages. 

This (often ignored) bird is said to have strong homing instincts. They can always find their way back home. The pigeon's navigational skills were well exploited during the world wars. 
                                                                      Another study suggests that, if trained properly, pegions can recognize different art pieces, visual patterns and can even understand space and time.

White rock pigeon 

Here are some details about this ordinary bird with extraordinary skills:

Common name: Rock pigeon, rock dove, pigeon, kabootar. 

Scientific name: Columba livia


  • Both male and female look almost similar.
  • There are metallic green and purple shining feathers on the neck. Males have a more lustrous neck than females.
  • The plumage is bluish-gray in colour with two black bars on each wing.
  • Iris is red in colour.
  • Bill is grayish black with a white spot at one end.
  • Produce soft cooing sound.
Habitat: Urban areas, grain fields, bridges, old buildings.

  • Forages on ground.
  • Mainly feeds upon seeds, plants, sometimes insects and variety of handouts from humans.
  • Young ones feed upon 'pigeon milk' .

Rock pigeon (sunning)

  • They generally walk or run with a continuous back and forth movement of head.
  • They flock while roosting, sunning and foraging.
  • They are a favourite catch of Raptors. When preyed upon, pigeons tend to loose body feathers as temporary distraction and make an escape.
  • In courtship, male puffs up chest, circles around female, repeatedly bowing and cooing.
Rock pigeon (preening)

  • Fires in wild burn their habitats.
  • Spring heat waves endanger young ones (squabs).
  • Urbanization demolish bird habitats. 
  • On ground cats are a major threat.
  • Raptors often prey upon them.
  • Humans tend to control their population by poisoning, caging and shooting them.
Our role in conservation:
  • Creating awareness about their environmental importance.
  • Implying policies regarding ban on shooting of pigeons.
IUCN Status: Least concern.

Photographs by: Yamini Dashora. 


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