
Indian peafowl : The Riot Of Colours

No matter whether you are 5 or 55(years old), gazing at a peacock is always a sight of delight. It never fails to amaze its spectators with its vibrant colours, splendid crest, pride in its walk, soothing dance moves and the glory with which it carries its graceful attire.
The peacock holds immense importance in Hindu mythology. On one hand its feather is graced to be a part of Lord Krishna's crown while on the other, the peacock itself serves as a mode of conveyance to Lord Kartikeya.
Despite being employed to the Almighty, it still manages to show off its serene and composed dance moves (much like a Sufi dervish).

With all these qualities, the bird truly deserves to be the national bird of India.

Here are some details about the terpsichorean artist:

Common names: Indian peafowl, common peafowl, blue peafowl, mor.

Scientific name: Pavo cristatus.


An adult male peafowl / peacock. 

  • The male peafowl or peacock has shining blue neck , breast and nape.
  • It has a blue fan like crest made up of wire like feathers.
  • Males have long, beautiful tail feathers (called train), with colourful eyespots on each one.
  • There is a white stripe above the eye and a white patch below the eye.
Eye details

  • The female peafowl or peahen  has brownish head with a crest.
  • The upper body is pale brown.
  • The lower neck is metallic green and breast feathers are dark brown.
  • The tail is dark brown in colour.
Visible dark brown tail.


  • Inhabits deciduous forests.
  • Can also adapt to live in cultivated regions and around human habitation.
  • Usually found where water is available.

A peacock feeding upon grains

  • Peafowl are omnivorous. 
  • They feed upon insects, seeds, fruits, reptiles, etc.
  • They feed on small snakes but keep away from larger ones.
  • Peafowl are best known for the male's extravagant display of feathers. 
  • They forage on ground in group that usually consists of one male and 3 to 5 females.
  • Usually seen at dawn.
  • They are very cautious of any potential danger.
A peacock running into thickets, on sensing danger
  • They prefer running over flying.
  • Peafowl produce loud calls, especially during breeding season.
  • They roost in groups on tall trees.
  • The chicks are able to forage and fly within two weeks of birth.
Nest: The nest is made by scrapping a hole in the ground under a shrub or a thicket. The hole is lined with leaves and sticks.

  • Poaching of peacocks for their meat and feathers.
  • Feeding upon pesticide treated seeds.
  • Poisoning by farmers to prevent the crops.
Our role in conservation:
  • Raising awareness about their importance in ecosystem, as they feed upon insects which harm the crop.
  • Hunting of peafowl is now protected in India.
  • The bird is fully protected by law.
IUCN Status: Least concern. 

Photographs by: Yamini Dashora. 


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